Thursday, October 7, 2010

Past my curfew

I love to text. I'm not sure how I survived without it. I might be addicted to texting. I'd rather text than talk on the phone. It's not right.

Sometimes, I ignore a call and then send that person a text a few minutes later saying, "you rang?" or "what's up?".

Yup, I'm that guy.

Personally, I'm not sure what has happened to cause this social regression. I blame it on Mark Zuckerberg and the Napster guy.

Which is why last night was so amazing, I had a 3 hour real life conversation about faith, life, love and everything that really matters.

No lol's, omg's, or ttyl's. Just raw and unfiltered words, thoughts, and perspectives about the lives that we live and the ideas that shape us. Even in the areas where we didn't agree, we gave each other space to share our thoughts. No judgment, no trying to correct, just open space to say what you believed. I wish we made more space for that type of thing.

Our conversation took us into the wee hours of the night. Past 3am, way beyond this old mans bed time. Something happens to time when rich meaningful conversation happens. It's almost as if time has to speed up to keep up with you.

I wish these types of conversations weren't so rare.

Hold on, someone sent me a text...

1 comment:

  1. Viva la texting! :)
    I feel the same way about text vs. talk. Another thing about your text conversation, you can always revisit it and ponder further on what you talked about. Can't do that with phone conversation, unless of course you recorded it.
